How does silver ion antimicrobial technology work?

Silver ion* infused antimicrobial surfaces are often utilised in healthcare, laboratories and food preparation environments in an effort to reduce infection and cross contamination. Such surfaces including wall panels, paint coatings and flooring, are becoming our first line of defence against superbugs, viruses, bacteria and mould in hygiene critical areas.

The antimicrobial properties of silver have been known for centuries. Silver is a well-documented antimicrobial that has been shown to kill bacteria, fungi and certain viruses. Silver has a long history of use in wound care. The safety record of modern silver-containing wound dressings has been proven to be excellent and used for over 25 years in burns victim care across the globe.

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How do silver ions protect against bacteria?

Silver ions are used to attack the DNA of the microbes and by doing so weakens its biological make-up. Neutralising the microbes will prevent its ability to reproduce and multiply into dangerous pathogens.

The process:

  • The silver ions encapsulates the cell wall disrupting growth
  • The silver ions severely disrupt enzymes that produce energy, eventually causing the cell to die
  • In the meantime, the silver ions interrupt the cell’s DNA, preventing the reproduction process


How effective are silver ions at killing microorganisms? 

The effectiveness of silver ion infused antimicrobial surfaces has been widely tested around the world. Tests have shown overall reduction in bacterial load of over 99%.  On average, test results showed that bacteria was reduced by 50% after 15 minutes and after two hours, bacteria was reduced by over 99%.

Independent lab testing has proven the effectiveness of AM 360’s antimicrobial products against the Top Ten most common pathogens or ‘superbugs’ such as MRSA, E Coli, Legionella, Salmonella and mould. 


What if a surface is scratched - will the silver ions still work? 

Regular disinfecting of high touch surfaces is a critical part of infection control. On surfaces without antimicrobial properties, even a hairline scratch is a trap where microbes can gather, meaning the surface must be cleaned more thoroughly and more frequently.

As AM 360’s products are infused with liquid silver ions during the manufacturing process, rather than being applied as a coating, the surfaces are able to maintain their protective barrier even when scratched. All the way through, silver ions will encapsulate microbes and prevent them from reproducing. After reproducing. in the case of their wall sheeting, the silver ion attacks the mould even when laid on top of the untreated mould because even the back of the sheet works as well as all the top and sides. 

To learn more about AM 360’s range of silver ion infused antimicrobial surfaces, click here to get in touch. We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. 

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Please note:  All of our products contain ionic silver, unlike other products on the market which contain nano silver. According to researchers at Rice University, in order for silver to be effective in killing bacteria, it has to be in its ionised form. Nano silver is therefore benign in the presence of microbes.

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